“The best solution for our planet is recycling. “Really!” Do I hear? You are probably thinking that there are other far more effective ways to help our tormented world. Yes, there are other options. Power plants, mining, pesticides and farming are amongst the biggest culprits in polluting our land, air and sea but how simple is it for us to achieve results in these fields? Recycling is the solution that is the most readily available to us all and we can practise it instantly.
Taking care of our planet
Looking after our planet is surely one of the most important concepts that we can possess but unfortunately, we do not all possess this awareness. It seems it could be a good idea for us to educate those who have somehow managed to let it slip their attention. This amazing planet we live on and all the magnificent abundance it bestows upon us needs a little helping hand at the moment. It should be with pleasure that we play a small part in looking after it and a small part multiplied by millions, suddenly becomes a big part and that feels even better. Here is a suggestion that hopefully might jog the inner voice of those who are ignoring our planet’s decline.
Here is the conversation we can use with our imaginary “I’m not bothered about the planet” uncaring person who we will appropriately nickname ‘Bingo’.
Message in a bottle
“Bingo, if you could write a message on a piece of paper and place that message in a bottle and be sure that one day your message will be read, what would you write on it?
Convincing Bingo
Are you thinking how can I guarantee that your message will be read?’ Well, I can give you the guarantee right now and tell you that it is highly likely your message will be read. All you have to do is place it in one of your un-recycled plastic bottles because it will take anywhere between five hundred to a thousand years to disintegrate. As a result, this makes the chances of somebody reading your message pretty damned good.”
The Technique
“Do you remember, Bingo, in the old films when somebody drifts along the ocean in a small boat and spots a glass bottle with a piece of paper in it? Now fast-forward to modern times because that glass bottle has become a plastic one. Now let us ponder for just a few seconds on getting that very important message in its plastic bottle and into the sea. Very easy, in fact! You don’t have to be anywhere near the sea. You can simply leave it lying around anywhere at all and it will make its own way. It’s light and it will soon get blown into a brook then flow into a river and off it goes to the ocean. Don’t worry about it decomposing because it won’t. It will, however contribute to the 90% of plastic trash that is already floating there.”
Important Planet information
Plastic has become an essential part of our lives but consequently, it has also become a dangerous part of it. I’m typing this article on my computer with its plastic keys and likewise, numerous objects that surround me contain plastic. Take as well the example of crash helmets that save lives and plastic-based medical equipment in our hospitals. We will use these items for years to come. When they are no longer needed, they can be disposed of correctly for recycling. Unfortunately, the majority of us throw plastic away after using it just once.
The statistics of plastic pollution are easy to find because they are written everywhere. Here are just a few:

A million plastic bottles are purchased every single minute of each day.

Two million plastic bags are distributed and used every minute of each day.

The average life span of a plastic bag is approximately 12 minutes.

Only a miserable 7% of plastic bottles are being recycled
Here are a few options we could
- We can take a few moments to consider that more than a million animals and seabirds die every year through plastic pollution. We can also reflect on the 700 species of marine life on the brink of extinction and feel guilty that this is entirely our fault.
- We can act radically, similarly to other countries and impose severe fines, even imprisonment if you are so much as found using a plastic bag. Extreme measures but effective results.
- We can become
responsible human beings and forinstance take the few seconds it needs to pop every bit of plastic we use into a bag to be recycled. No matter how busy our lives are we can install this habit into our daily routine. It will become a reflex and by doing so, our priority to protect and care for the wonderful planet we live on might just be enough to save it
Helping Bingo write his message:
“Why not make it short but truthful, Bingo? Begin with the date, then go on to say that you are one of the many irresponsible people that are contributing daily to the decline of our planet and all the problems it is already encountering. Without any doubt, the person that will read your message will be enduring your contribution.”
P.S. A Suggestion:
“If you are really cheeky, Bingo, perhaps you could also apologise.”
Great article. Informative and eye opening.. If it makes a few people think… Then hopefully it will snowball to many more and help our planet
I couldn’t agree with you more!
We should love our planet as we love our children.
Native American well knew it: “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children”.
You’re the best :-).