After much persuasion, I am delighted that my longtime friend and extremely talented artist, Pauline Rouvier, has finally agreed to let me display some of her wonderful paintings on this blog. Situations that take me hundreds, sometimes thousands, of words to explain, Pauline, succeeds in displaying on one canvas and never fails to surprise me with her marvellous interpretations. My most treasured book covers have been painted with her wonderfully artistic brushstrokes. I am thrilled that she has agreed to share some of her beautiful paintings on this little corner of my blog. Browse and enjoy as each painting is done with a little piece of her heart. If you wish to buy, commission or see more of her work you can contact Pauline via my email:
The Chateau

“Old Man on Bench” (charcoal sketch)

“The Well”


“Scented Rose”

Blue Bird of Paradise

“Morning Mist”


“Lake District”



“Colours of Camargue”

“Giraffe Girls”

“Elderly French Gentlemen”

“Exotic Bird”

“Peruvian Baby”


“Provencal Colours”

“Lady in Lace”


“The Lake”


“Northern Lights”

“Provencal Door”

Pauline is indeed a discreet but extremely talented artist. Lovely to see her skills displayed on your blog Barbara…